My Creative Writing


Stuck in the World of Seas

Game: Blox Fruits

By Joel


There once was a boy named Lucas. He was just a person who liked playing video games. But one day, something strange happened.

“Ow, my head, it hurts. Wait, where am I?” He wondered, but he did not realize that he was stuck in a video game. 

“Wait, I have two options, being a Pirate or a Marine. And I think I’m going to go as a pirate.”, thought Lucas.  And so, he chose the pirate option, the choice signifying that his adventure officially began. Lucas was on an island, the one that, at the first glance, looked small. But this seemingly minuscule terrain was teeming with so many people roaming there. 


As Lucas looked around, he saw a COMBAT icon floating in the air right in front of him. He touched it, only to find himself taking a fighting stance. Suddenly, he saw a person standing in front of a giant rock (the rock’s name was Fred, Lucas suddenly realized). And this stranger was definitely in a pirate attire. “Hey, who is this person there?” Lucas asked himself, “A small innocent chat would not hurt me, right?” And so, towards the mysterious stranger he went.


“Hey there, kid, I need help fighting some bandits. You mind defeating 5 of them for me?” The man said, and Lucas enthusiastically accepted.

“You won’t be able to beat me!” One of the bandits said. But Lucas did the opposite: the bandit was beaten. And then, Lucas did the same thing with the rest of them.


A few hours later, Lucas was able to go to the jungle, he went there and found a man who was in a tuxedo, who said:

“Hey dude, want this fruit that I have?” 
Lucas responded. “All right, I’ll take it.”
“This is the phoenix fruit, good luck!” And they bid each other farewell. What Lucas did not know would be that something else was going to happen.


“He seems nice, I’m going to talk to him.” A man in a black suit said, and he was in a tree next to Lucas,
“Hi, my name is Blimp, just call me Taxi Boi.” The man who was in a black suit said to Lucas.
“Ok, my name is Lucas, nice to meet you Taxi Boi.” Lucas introduced himself.
“By the way, enter this door, I’ll take you somewhere.” Taxi Boi said. 
“Where did it come from?” Lucas asked,
“It’s my Blox Fruit, you have one too.” Taxi Boi responded.


They had a long conversation. Taxi Boi said that there is a crew function in the ingame menu. And he went on to suggest that Lucas should make a crew for himself and Taxi Boi. So, Lucas made it.
“What should we call it?” Lucas asked,
The Gang.” Taxi Boi said.


Many days later, they grew more powerful in the game against many enemies, and they reached the area of the fish people. There they met a pink-caped man who was beating up random people.
“What are you weaklings doing here, leave before I beat you.”
The Pink Cape started to fight them, and it was a long fight. But when all hope seemed lost:
“Here we go! FAST KICK!” And the fight ended. Lucas was finally free from the game! Or was he?


To be continued…

One comment


  1. randomoiltanker · March 28, 2022 at 9:36 am ·

    I personally really liked this story and thought it was good but I feel like this sentence had to much commas : “Lucas was on an island, the one that, at the first glance, looked small”.
    Also I feel like at the start of the story you should have gave more information about why Lucas chose to be a pirate.