Filtration Project Reflection

Hi! My name is Joel and this is my Innovation Day reflection blog. This year, the students of OJCS were assigned to make a project for Innovation Day. In Grade 7, the assignment was to make a filtration project and a filter. Which would be judged by a few judges to see how we did on our projects, and the top three highest marks would be announced at the end. This blog is about my perspective and reflections on my project and its process.

Here are the filtration slides that my partner and I made:

Before I had started my Innovation Day project, I felt excited about trying something new, as well as designing a filter. I felt nervous from the pressure of trying to create a filtration project, something that I had not done before. Although these feelings changed over time, which resulted in me feeling more confident about my project. Many parts of my project were where I needed to “grow”, as the project had been printed in Black and White, along with barely any pictures on the slides, with low communication in voice and tone. After presenting to several parents, I felt like I needed to change how I acted, as well as my tone, since presenting to parents is practice for presenting to judges. During the process of making the project, there were some minor challenges, such as communication, printing in black and white, and more pictures were required.

In conclusion, what would be different next time would be focusing on deadlines, which can allow me to make more ideas and better the quality of the slides (Pictures, Text, etc.) Along with communicating better