Joel’s Creative Writing Assignment For November 2021

Haiku Poetry

Hi, my name is Joel, and today I will be talking to you about what Haiku are. Haiku is an ancient Japanese form of poetry, for each line pattern is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. For example: Beau-ti-ful day out, one full of po-ten-ti-al, tru-ly diff-er-ent. And so, the complete poem I have just written (It really is mine!) would look like this: 

Beautiful day out,
One full of potential,
Truly different.

 Haiku typically represent reflections on time, life, nature, and many more eternal or momentary things to choose from!

What I will talk about next is why I like Haiku poems. I like Haiku because it is mostly peaceful and it calms my mind. Another reason why I like Haiku is because the writing style is unique and different from regular poems, and it is easy to write a Haiku. But, as usual, Haiku does have a few writing challenges:

1) Syllable matching in the language of Haiku, which was based originally on the Japanese syllabic writing where one vowel always means one syllable, but, as you can see, in English, it is not always the same. 

2) You need to clear the mind before writing Haiku, Haiku isn’t just writing straight away simply, you actually need a clear mind, (There are many different ways to do so, such as meditation,) once there aren’t any irrelevant thoughts in your head, it is easy for you to think of a calm, peaceful, relaxing Haiku poem, such as this one I wrote myself:

This day be wonder,
Today may see a story,
It is amazing.

In conclusion, I have to say that I hope you enjoyed my insights about Haiku. I also have to say thank you for reading this as well, I hope I can be back with you soon. 


One comment


  1. callie · December 8, 2021 at 9:28 am ·

    Hi Joel,
    I found your blog about haiku poems really interesting, before this, I didn’t really know what a haiku poem was, now I do!
    Also, the haiku poems you made were very nice, maybe you could make a blog full of haiku poems.
    What’s your favorite haiku poem you made?
