My Jewish Values: Reflection

This blog post is about my project that I did with my partner, which is about Jewish Values. When the project started, my partner and I had to list five values, which are: In God’s Image, Power of Speech, Saving a Life, Friendship, and Justice. Next we had to put information about each value in four categories, why the value is important, why we chose it, how it applies to our lives, and a Jewish text about it. Eventually, we put the information in Google Slides (The one below), and in a script (most of the information is not there since there is a script for the slides).

The script and slides were presented afterwards, of course. I would say my next steps would be to add more detail and information to what I write. As well as doing more work and giving more effort.

In conclusion, I believe that the information that we gave in the project was good, but, of course, there is always room for improvement. The lesson that we learned is that we must always try to succeed and work hard, that we have to collaborate every day, adding little pieces of success with each step. When we were doing this project, the values of teamwork were present. As they say, two brains are always better than one.